financial time series modeling, the model consist of two equation. One of them
is mean equation and other is variance equation which are defined following
(1) and (2) shows mean and variance equation, respectively. For estimating
these equations we can use OLS and ML methods. But there is some limitation about
the estimated coefficients. So we must be careful chosing the estimate method.
There are two limitation for estimating these equations.
1 1. Both
equation must be estimated siumultaneaously
2. All
coeffiecients of the variance equation must be positive
drawback of the least squares approach to estimate an ARCH model is that there is
no guarantee that all the estimated ARCH coefficients will be positive. Another reason the least squares method is
not appropriate for estimating the ARCH model is that we need to estimate both
the mean function and the variance function simultaneously.
advantage of the ML method is that we can estimate the mean and variance functions
simultaneously, instead of separated as under OLS. Another advantage of ML
method is that it guaranteed that all estimated ARCH coefficients will be
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